Tuesday, December 19, 2006

2 weeks in the bag...

it is night by night over here. some nights (like last night) we sleep easy. other nights (like sunday night) we are hurting. Emmry doesn't quite have this thing figured out yet...

Caleb is getting better with his self control. (otherwise known as throwing a fit) it was the strangest thing. as soon as he turned 2 and sister was born, it was a different Caleb. i believe he'll get over it soon.

work is going well. i'm hoping for some more responsibility after the 1st of the year.

anyway, things are good. we still have a house to live in and clothes and food. you can't complain about that....

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

1 week down...

ok, 1 week down and it's going well. Emmry is sleeping at night for the most part. she gets up a little here and there, but she's doing good. she is getting prettier everyday. i think her hair might be lightening up, but Kristie doesn't think so. we'll see.

i'm tired, Kristie's tired, i'm looking forward to going to bed. i might play golf this weekend.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Santy Clause!

Santy Clause!
Originally uploaded by thefatrat.

this is from Christmas of '04. it's still funny!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

The Family

The Family
Originally uploaded by thefatrat.

here is the new family photo! there are a few more in the stream, go take a look.


Babies sleeping in the nursery makes for a quiet night.
We both got good rest, but are also very congested. Kristie has a Zpac coming for her. I'm working with some advil cold and sinus. It seems to be working.

U'm going to change a diaper. Later

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Here's to day 2...

Nursing, pooping, nursing, pooping... So much going on.
Kristie's Mom and Grandma came yesterday. My family came into town yesterday too. They are here until tomorrow.
Kristie's Dad has been here since Wednesday watching Caleb. Caleb loves his Grandpa! They have had fun.
We are scheduled to be here until Tuesday morning. It is going to be interesting at home with Caleb. He's not sure what to do with Emmry yet. He knows her name and talks about her, but he doesn't want to touch her yet. He'll come around.
We had some friends visit today. It is always good to see friends after you have a new baby!

I slept on the stretch out couch. I got sleep though, we let Emmry spend most of the night in the nursery. Kristie said she hollered at me a couple times to get her something in the night
but I was out.

Emmry is a peanut! I'm really enjoying her. I'm already thinking about what to say to the boys when they come knocking on the door to take her out. Watch out!

I'm going to get pictures put up tomorrow (hopefully).

Friday, December 01, 2006


For the first time ever, arriving at 9:36am on December 1st, 2006...

It's Emmry Elizabeth King!

The stats so far:
8 lbs 7 oz
Very alert!

We'll let you know how it all goes from here. Check back soon!

--Andy, Kristie, big brother Caleb and for the first time... Emmry!

Epidural is in

we are right on schedule. Should be going back in a few minutes.

Getting ready...

Kristie is getting her gown on right now. We're going in soon! We'll let you know!