Monday, September 20, 2004

ping pong madness...

ping pong matrix

this is the craziest thing!

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

to Buffalo and back again...

so i went, i worked out, i came home...

it went well. they said that they wanted to see me and that if they had a need they would call me. you'll have that. that is what will happen at many workouts, until you get that one that works out. maybe something will happen and they will call me. God knows. i'll let Him handle it.

until then, i am just enjoying spending time with Kristie and getting into the Word. i am reading a great book by Henry Blackaby called Hearing God's Voice. it's really bringing up many questions about my relationship with Christ.
I also just finished Randy Alcorn's Safely Home. it's a novel about China's persecuted christians. great book! if you have time, read it. it could change your life.

Thursday, September 09, 2004


well, i was not picked up yesterday off of waivers, so the wait continues. i do have a workout with Buffalo on Tuesday though, so if that goes well, we may be going to New York.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

in case you didn't know....

yesterday, about 4 in the afternoon, i was waived by the Rams and am now waiting to see if and when i get picked up by another team. it might be today, it might not be for a few weeks, we'll see. God has this planned out and we are just waiting to see how it's going to work.
Isiah 40:31