Sunday, March 19, 2006

killin' some ants...

that's the new saying around here...

this post is actuall a return of "blog from the throne", if you've been around long enough to know what that is. we now call this 'killin' some ants' since we've recently discovered ants in various places throughout our house, including the kitchen, bathroom and one bedroom. needless to say, i'm not happy.

some of you know that we have been dealing with getting a moisture/mold problem fixed at our house since January. it seemed to be close to coming to an end, but we found more mold/mildew in another place. with the addition of ants, we are not excited about living here right now.

management is supposed to come tomorrow or tuesday and take a look at all of this. we'll see what happens.


i'm also thinking about taking up guitar. i want to learn so that i can sing songs to/with Caleb and his brothers and sisters. i also want to be able to teach them something other than a sweet pass set, something they can pass on to their kids and enjoy.

well, i'm finished up here, so it's off to finish a game of cribbage with Kristie. i'm adding a list of my favorite games and the rules/how to play for them. cribbage, backgammon, acey-duecy, and farkle will all be on there. look back to find that soon.


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