Thursday, November 11, 2004

well, the good news is.....

i passed my MO Life and Health Insurance License test. i should recieve my license soon. my contract with Norwest Mutual is underway. i should be sealin' deals in no time!

the bad news is kristie is still not in labor. she's getting a few contractions but not much. we're praying for it to happen soon. other than that, life is rollin' by.


At 12:46 PM, November 13, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In japanese anonymous say -- you piss insuwance lice tess wiff frying cover, good foe you. You wife kwitie vewy pwegnat, have baby pwitty soon. Good wuck. In japanese my name anonymous, but you can caw me anonymous if you wan. Okay, I say bye foe now. Watts of wuck my fwiend. I pway foe you an you framiwy.

At 6:39 PM, November 13, 2004, Blogger andy said...

Kristie just peed her pants!

At 11:43 PM, November 13, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah dat Kwistie, she pwetty frunny. She pee huh pant pwenty time foe no apawant weason. Evweone know Kwistie. Kwistie willwe make me waff. She frunny puson... Buh maybre dis time difwrent, maybre dis time cus Kwistie vewry pwegnat! Maybre not pee huh pant -- maybre huh wata bwake! You betta huwry to hotpito vewry fass! I go now, you take Kwistie to hotpito. Kwistie have baby vewry soon... if huh wata bwake. If juss pee huh pant, Kwistie have embaywasmen, but no baby. Face get pwenty wed wen embaywas. Dat normor foe Kwistie wen pee in pant. Kwistie make me waff wen she pee huh pant. Kwistie make me pwenty happy wen she have dat baby! Andy! Get Kwistie in caw an take huh to hotpito! Now! Huwry! Telw docto huh wata bwake! No... Fust telw docto she pwegnat... den telw docto wata bwake! No good to get docto confuse. Telw him it time to dewiver baby! Huwry! No... Caw us fust, den take Kwistie to hotpito. Mices anonymous an me weigh foe caw fwum you. If docoto say Kwistie juss pee pant... dat wool make me waff vewry hod. Dat Kwistie pwetty frunny suntine. Anonymous wuv boff of you vewry mush... an baby! Huwry!


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